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Chester Gap, VA
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Chester Gap (VA) purchased a 20GPM Droplet with foam, dual reels and a 750-gallon water tank.  Put all together by Battlefield Emergency Vehicles in Brandy Station, VA.

Loganville, WI VFD

Loganville, WI VFD installed a Command Unit with a dual drawer system, hose lay tray and tool storage on their brand new L-Tac 1 Rapid Response Vehicle.

North Okaloosa, FL Fire District

North Okaloosa Fire District (FL) purchased a 20GPM Command Skid unit with Auto Water, Power Foam Fill and Water and Foam gauges.  Put on their existing Rapid Response Vehicle.

British Virgin Islands

BVI took delivery of five Rapid Response Vehicles with 200 gallons and foam.  Trucks are from Raymond Bucket Guys in New Hampshire.

Galesville, WI VFD
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Galesville (WI) G-Tac 1 is outfitted with a 150-gallon Hydrus® 20GPM Command Unit.

Lake Country, WI

Lake Country (WI) outfitted their new Pierce Engine with a 20GPM Diesel Droplet using the onboard water and foam.

Guthrie Center, IA VFD
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Guthrie Center (IA) upgraded their Brush Truck to make it a rapid response vehicle with a 200-gallon 20GPM Hydrus® water and foam unit. Sold by Deery Brothers, IA

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